406 Pointe Tremble Rd

Algonac, MI

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(810) 794-5000

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​Massage supports Chiropractic

You can benefit in a number of ways by adding massage therapy to your chiropractic care program. Recovery is normally faster and more complete when you address multiple components of your pain. Chiropractic treatment often proceeds more easily, with less discomfort, when soft tissue has been relaxed with massage. You may be less anxious and more ready to receive chiropractic adjustment after a relaxing massage..Adjustments frequently last longer when muscle tension is released that might otherwise pull your joints out of alignment again.

Chiropractic supports Massage

If you are seeking massage therapy for pain but find your pain Persists, recurs or even worsens after your massage, chiropractic could help in these ways: . If your pain involves a subluxation, chiropractic adjustment may give immediate relief as your joint is restored to alignment and mobility. You may find that surrounding soft tissue heals quickly once it is no longer subjected to the stress of misaligned joints. The joint movement in chiropractic adjustments can sometimes relax deep layers of soft tissue that can be difficult to reach with massage. . Your chiropractor can use x-rays and manual diagnostic techniques to evaluate other possible causes for your pain and can make appropriate referrals if necessary.

- Dr Bill